Books on the divine feminine
Books on the divine feminine

Compelling in its novelty and accessible in its presentation, this version of the Song of Songs will beckon you more deeply into Jewish-Christian sacred texts while offering you wisdom teachings and practices rooted in but not limited to religion. Now you can understand the poetry, beauty, genius and mystery of the Song of Songs with no previous knowledge of the Hebrew Bible or wisdom literature. His intriguing facing-page commentary provides historical, religious and spiritual insights from Christian and Jewish wisdom traditions as well as clear comparisons to other translations. There is a playfulness to the Divine Feminine which is evident in these passages and in the authors commentaries.

books on the divine feminine

To be wise is to delight in creation,' writes Shapiro. She is a source of delight and delight itself. Scholar and award-winning teacher Rami Shapiro renders this ancient love song as Lady Wisdom offering seekers physical and spiritual intimacy with her so that they might awaken to and participate wisely in the unity of God, woman, man and nature. She is a player, a dancer, a celebrator of life, and the One who manifests it. This fresh translation restores the Song’s eroticism and interprets it as a celebration of the love between the Divine Feminine and the contemporary spiritual seeker. This would continue in the medieval period. Holding it sacred yet troubled by its thinly veiled eroticism, Jews and Christians for millennia have read the Song of Songs as an allegory of God’s love for Israel-the classic Jewish understanding-or Jesus’s love for his Church-the classic Christian understanding. As Rabbi Leah Novick observed in her book On the Wings of Shekhinah: Rediscovering Judaism’s Divine Feminine, while the rabbis of the Talmud did not explicitly identify shekhinah as feminine, many of the attributes they ascribe to her are common to ancient goddesses: love, compassion, justice and healing. Each card represents an aspect of the divine feminine- qualities we all contain, emotions we all experience.This deck contains 40 cards and a 90 page booklet. The Song of Songs is the Hebrew Bible's deeply erotic poem of love, sexual yearning and consummation. The Faces of the Divine Feminine Oracle is like having a circle of wise women at your fingertips. It acts out of a knowing that all is well and always will be, and that you are. In this energy, you listen to the Divine Feminine’s knowing, receive her divine intuitive downloads, and then you find yourself acting upon them with faith. She leads us in the right direction every time. The Divine Masculine: It is the energy of action, but one open and loving, focused on faith-based action. Feminine intuition is one of our most powerful tools for guidance, and we all have it.

#Books on the divine feminine upgrade#

It is an initiative to understand the root of all our human problems and upgrade our knowledge on this subject to create legendary humans.More than ancient erotic love poetry, this celebration of the human relationship with Wisdom can be a companion for your own spiritual journey. The Healthy Divine Feminine offers tenderness, wisdom, patience, nurturing, flexibility and fertility. The Rise of Divine Feminine is a book for today's new generation. This book is a soft knock on our minds to wake us and show us who we really are and seize our power by discovering the wonders of our human mind and to reclaim our position as God’s most wonderful creation. Through spirituality and scientific support, we can reverse this imbalance.

books on the divine feminine

This book attempts to bring to light these small issues of our mind and help us understand how the mind can be either our most dangerous enemy or our most dedicated friend. Our failure to understand this has led to the root of all our problems in the outer world. The problems we face today collectively in the world are not the big things they are very small issues buried deep in the psyche of the human mind. The Rise Of Divine Feminine is a dedication to all warriors of the light who sacrificed their lives for bringing forward the truth about what is so wrong in the world today.

Books on the divine feminine